Rolling the Bridge to Brisbane

I am still typing up letters, as I promised the next post would be some cute letters from kids. So that’s still to come.

In the meantime, Matthew’s decided to tackle the Bridge to Brisbane next weekend (7 September) to raise money for the Amputees and Families Support Group Qld (AFSGQ).

The group provided really important support to Matthew and Diane from a very early stage in Matthew’s rehab, and is comprised mainly of volunteers operating with a very small operating budget. The State Government recently advised that they will cease funding the group at the end of next year and we need to ensure that the work they do can continue. In response to some of the publicity Matt’s received about the walk and need for fundraising, the Health Minister Lawrence Springborg advised Matthew the group will be able to tender for funds post 2015, but the process and outcome still means there is significant uncertainty for everyone involved. So, in the meantime, we’re fundraising.

A small group of walkers/runners/rollers will be donning their feet/wheels/shoes will take to the Bridge with pretty much the rest of Brisbane on the day. The group has raised just over $7,500 so far, but is still working to raise a bit more by next weekend, so spread the word and thanks to everyone who has already contributed. At present, the Renovating Matthew Support Group consists of Matthew, Dr Saul Geffen, Jacqui O’Sullivan, and Steph Rowthbotham. Here’s the link to the group:

Thanks for everyone’s continued support, and we’ll look forward to seeing some of you on the day.

6 responses to “Rolling the Bridge to Brisbane

  1. Dear all, I finished the book a few weeks back, in desperation as was getting too many interruptions I stayed up until 2.30am. one morning & presto !! finished. What a wonderfully uplifting experience, I alternated between laughing out loud & tearing up, thank you for the experience, as I had been unable to follow the first stages of your illness Matthew it filled in all the gaps, what a brave young man you are & of course having Diane in your camp was an absolute bonus, how lucky you are to have such an angel for a wife. I must not forget to acknowledge the part the children played. I am sure you could not have managed without Chris & Roy with the rest of the family & special friends. Once again I am so pleased I was able to join you all for the launch & good luck for your Bridge to Brisbane, enjoy!! We are having delightful weather at present, cool & clear days & a little colder in the evenings. Ciao for now, Merle

  2. I just finished “Will to Live”, I started this morning and finished just now. I was mesmerised by the love, compassion and will of Matthew and your amazing family! Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us! Life is such a gift and your book has helped to reemphasise that message to me. I wish my boys were old enough to read the book. My 5yo son has been asking me questions about the book since I purchased it earlier in the week, wanting to know many things about the story of the man on the front of the book and his kids. I told him I would share with him and answer any questions when I had finished!

    Sending love and much thanks! Thinking of you all as you continue this journey!


    • Hi Louise. Thanks so much for touching base. Matthew went amazingly well and managed to walk the last 50 metres. I’ll post an update with photos in the next couple of days. 🙂

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